Gardeners exchange reports from 2011


Bochum - Southeast Asia:

Of their trip to South East Asia Women Cherry told in great detail in its report. Part of their upshots is that it is a very big difference with the orchids to sweat as they "only" to pour.

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Kirschbaum Südostasien (1.9 MiB)

Kiel - Holland:

Mahrt woman has sought a special operation in the Netherlands, which is the culture and acclimatization of tropical plants in Europe very successfully for major projects. She used the opportunity to ask many questions specialists.

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Mahrt - Holland (173.8 KiB)

Dresden - Wisley:

Mr. Thomisch garden has at his internship at Wisley learned a lot, in addition to management and cultivation of plants he has learned more English than two years in school as he reported.

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Thomisch - Wisley (987.3 KiB)

Belo Horizonte - Hamburg:

Mr. and Mrs. Portugal Goes from Belo Horizonte (Brazil) had during her visit to Hamburg an extensive and exciting program where also their host, Mr. Masch, has learned much new. Bruno Goes experiencing a slight chill was fascinated by the beginning of autumn, Marina Prortugal could their colleagues report on the use of homeopathic remedies in plants.

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Belo Horizonte - Hamburg (1.1 MiB)
Caucasus expedition

with participants from Hamburg, Gothenburg, St. Petersburg and Shanghai