Exchanges and travel in 2012

In 2012, a total of 9.000 € were provided by the Foundation for replacement projects.

Hamburg- Göteborg:

To follow the expedition in the Caucasus, in collaboration with colleagues from Gothenburg, St. Petersburg and Shanghai found held in 2011, driving gardener from Hamburg to Gothenburg.

Dresden - Edinburgh:

Between the Botanical Gardens a classic exchange is planned: In the beginning of the year a master gardener from Dresden went to Edinburgh and later in the year a gardener from Edinburgh went to Dresden. Both gardens have a collection focus Chilean plants and also want to replace especially tricky for culture of these plants.

Kiel - Vietnam:

Four gardeners from the Botanical Garden Kiel travel to Vietnam in January 2013. They have put together an exciting botanical itinerary on which they want to establish contacts with a botanical garden for the gardener exchange. The gardener exchange accepts the airfare for this trip.