Travel projects 2013

Tim Boehnert in Oman

In 2013 a total of 10.000 € were planned for seven travel projects.

Dresden - Talca (Chile):

The Botanical Garden of the University of Dresden continues the existing gardeners exchange between Dresden and Talca. The costs of room and board in Talca will be covered by the University of Talca.

News: We asked the ZEIT-Stiftung and we are very pleased, that they take over the costs for this exchange!

Potsdam - Medellin (Colombia):

The Botanical Garden Potsdam is planning a gardener exchange with the botanical garden in Medellin. There already is a contact with the garden in Medellin.

Hamburg - Bukarest:

Travelling from the Botanical Garden Hamburg, 3 gardeners follow the invitation of the Botanical Garden of Bukarest. The Department of crops is the focus. The accommodation was covered by the Botanical Garden Bukarest.

Hamburg - Appalachian Mountains (USA):

Two gardeners went on a 2-3 week collecting trip in the Appalachian Region.

Bonn - England:

For a short journey, a gardender from the Botanical Garden Bonn went to various English gardens for snowdrop blooms.

Bonn - Switzerland:

For a botanical trip to Switzerland  the Foundation supported a travel subsidy for two gardeners of the Botanical Garden Bonn.

Young Gardeners: For young gardeners there are also funds available in 2013 - an application for this is possible at any time.

Reports on the work carried out in recent years, exchanges and travel, you will find in trip reports.