Travel projects 2015

In 2015, the gardener exchange has granted six projects with a total of nearly 13,000 €.
Ethiopa – Bonn, Germany:
Following the project ARBOPRO a gardener from the Arboretum in Ethiopia will travel to Germany. In this project, the construction of an arboretum in Ethiopia is supported by the German side.
We are pleased to support this project in its horticultural orientation.
Tübingen, Germany – Iran:
A gardener of the Botanical Gardens Tübingen will deepen his knowledge about Primroses on a field trip to Iran. Through local contacts it will be possible to get collections. The Botanical Garden Tübingen will bear a share of the cost.
Hamburg, Germany – Nepal
An apprentice of the Botanical Gardens Hamburg, will travel to the Botanical Garden Daman in Nepal for an internship. She had made contacts through a private site visit.
Kiel – Windhoek, Namibia
A gardener for succulents from the Botanical Garden Kiel will work a week at the Botanical Gardens Windhoek, Namibia and then travel to country sites of succulents for the following two weeks.
Dhaka, Bangladesch - Dresden
Two senior gardeners from the Botanical Garden Dhaka, Bangladesh will travel for extensive training to Dresden for four weeks.
Tübingen – Gran Canaria
A gardener from Tübingen will travel to Tenerife for information about the redesign of the Canaries department.