Travel projects 2014

In 2014 a total of 12.000 € were provided for gardeners exchange projects.
Potsdam - Medellín:
Two gardeners from the Botanical Garden Potsdam were travelling to Colombia. Part of the funding had been approved already in 2013.
Hamburg - Belo Horizonte:
The specialized Botanical Garden in Hamburg Wandsbek will continue the successful exchange with Brazil. The exchange exists since 2006 and has proven successful for both partner Gardens. In 2014 a gardener from Hamburg has travelled to Belo Horizonte.
Leon - München, München - Leon:
The Botanical Garden Munich establishes a gardener exchange with the Botanical Garden in Leon, Nicaragua. A gardener from Leon stayed in Munich for three months. A gardener from Munich travelled to Leon for a few weeks. The accommodation for both were provided from each participating botanic garden on site.
Bukarest - Hamburg:
The exchange with the Botanical Garden of Bucharest, which started in 2013, is to be continued by a return visit from Bucharest. For this reason two gardeners from Bucharest have been invited to Hamburg.
Young gardeners:
Funds are available for the sponsorship of travels for young gardeners. These can be applied for without specific deadlines.